Welcome to My World!

As Lewis Carroll so convieniently wrote:

The time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of many

Except I'm mostly going to try to contain this to my thoughts and experiences while in England. It's a lot easier than emailing everyone ;)

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Come on 2010!

Well... it's that time of year again. The time where it ends. Out goes 2009, in comes 2010.

I, however, live with the school-year. For me, my year basically started in September. If this is Frank's #yearotf, then basically my year is always near my birthday, since I'm mid-August.

So far, this year has been great. By that, I mean THIS school year.

2009? Well. 2009 rather stunk, although I'll mix it up with 2008's ending.

My 2008/2009 year: AKA the last year at York University:

- break up with Luke just before the year starts
- York goes on strike for 3 months
- I can barely afford groceries due to said strike as I was laid off for its duration
- Luke and I completely stop talking
- lose touch with more than one rather close friend
- Uni life was very stressful
- crazy drama revolving around my younger brother
+ spent the majority of 3 months with my nieces
+ graduated! I'm now the owner of a Specialized Honours BA, majoring in English. I am also the (much less proud) owner of a Bachelor of Education, specializing in Junior/Intermediate English
+ despite all terror, applied and went through all the red tape to come teach in England!

My 2009/2010 year so far:

+ moved to London England!
+ realized I actually LOVE living in London!
+ wrote 70,000 words in the month of November for Nanowrimo!
+ met some wonderful people through Nano
+ actually enjoyed supply-teaching!
+ got hired for a Year 5 class starting Jan 2010!
+ learned to let myself spend money when it comes to doing what I want
- as such, I'm not QUITE saving as much as I want to be
- worried that some of my friends back in Canada are going to forget about me or just not bother trying to keep in touch
- miss my friends and that back in Canadaland

As you can see, 2009/2010 year is starting off quite wonderfully. I've never been happier.

I don't do New Years Resolutions, but these are my near-future (how close the near-future is is debatable and up for change) goals:

* finish my novel
* save up money and find my own flat (this I think is quite ambitious living in London!)
* pay Siggy back
* keep on top of my student loan
* get the rest of the 2009/2010 year PLANNED thoroughly
* travel somewhere outside of England
* get a new lens for my camera

They won't be done in that order, but those are the goals. Well. The new lens IS the last on the list, but nonetheless, it is a goal that I have in the back of my head.

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