Welcome to My World!

As Lewis Carroll so convieniently wrote:

The time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of many

Except I'm mostly going to try to contain this to my thoughts and experiences while in England. It's a lot easier than emailing everyone ;)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Coming Live from London!

I have arrived!!

Well, techincally I arrived yesterday around 11 something in the morning... was out of the airport by 12:28.

It was QUITE the day, so I will recap it.

While Still In Toronto

I went out to Moxie's for dinner with my parents, Peri and Ashley A. No one else could make it, and I will admit I was disappointed, but they ALL had really good reasons and I totally understand them all. Peri and Ashley made up for it anyway, cause they rock. Peri and I went out to play pool that evening and it was a blast... we're both pretty equal, skill level. As in, we both STINK equally. hahaha. It was awesome.

I had NO lines at all at the airport. There was no need for me to be there as early as I was because seriously... there was no line at check in, no line to pay for my extra weight, no line at security. And it was a relatively short line when I was OFF the plane for customs.

While I was in the airport, it finally hit me that I was 1. FINALLY doing what I want to do with my life and 2. That I wasn't going to see everyone again for a long time. I was getting a bit emotional... and paniced. Seriously, I was border-line having a panic attack sitting there. I think I was just overwhelmed with it all. It was a little pathetic. However, I solved this, and the next section will explain WHY.

The Airplane

I made my first friend ;) The girl sitting next to me on the bus is using the SAME agency as me (Protocol) and was just returning to London from going back to England for a visit. WHAT luck! She seems pretty awesome and she was super nice to me.. answered a million questions I didn't notice I had, and stayed with me all the way to the tube station that she had to get off at. haha. I was so grateful. She had totally erased, within five minutes of me getting on the plane, ALL the panic and upset I was having. She ALSO happens to live near where Melissa (friend from highschool who's just came to London too) is living... what are the odds, right? I think it's a bit hilarious, and is rather typical for my life. Of course, this is NOT the end of the luck for my day.

The Hostel

I arrived at the hostel QUITE fine thank you, with no mishaps. I even had a nice stranger help me carry my suitcase up some stairs when I had to get off at a non-planned tube station since the station I was planning on transferring at was under construction. Thank the trees for kind people, I would have died (in fact, later on I DID almost die while lugging that thing up a flight of stairs at another station). Aside from that I arrived alive and well, and ended up not being able to have a nap when I got here, so I left the hostel and went on my first adventure.


I decided to head to Oxford Circus (near/at the expensive SoHo district) because I knew that there were mobile shops, Lush, and the Apple Store. So off I went!

I have my cell phone, and while I don't particularly want to have anyone call me, I will give out the number if asked. I did NOT find Lush (despite looking desperately) so I am going to have to make another attempt for that. I found the Apple Store but didn't need it as I bought a new and rather cheap converter that works a-ok for this laptop (or I wouldn't be on here now). This all only the beginning of the adventure.

I ALSO found sushi. So naturally I went in to have some as I have spent the last few days constantly hungry. While there (after totally confusing the staff as I was quite out of it at this point in the day) I begin to text the people in England - Siggy, Melissa and Megan, to give them my cell number.

End up on the phone with Melissa (while I'm walking PAST Oxford Circus station which is mega busy) I discover that she's in a store just a LITTLE bit down the road from me and I had walked past it a few times already (in my quest for finding Lush).

What are the ODDS of that?! So we meet up naturally. Now, you may be thinking "is this the end of the luck for the day?" and the answer is NO, it's not!

The Second Adventure

Melissa and I then go shopping a bit more (and were STILL looking for Lush as I hadn't gave up on it at this point). And what do I finally find? SHOES THAT I CAN TEACH IN! And oh my, are they lovely. They weren't too cheap mind you, but they are a good brand and I LIKE them (of course, today they have gave me ONE blister so far) so WOOT excitement! After looking for a pair of shoes ALL BLOODY YEAR I find them in the first shoe-store I walk into here. I had seen them before meeting up with Melissa, but I didn't try them on until after.

We are then just walking down Oxford Circus, heading towards Tottenham, and Melissa stops to check out a perfume shop that is closing to see if she could find any perfume cheaply.

Cue the music.

I shit you not, as we're standing there on the street, the shopkeepers get up on a pedastal, and one of them starts calling in people nearby on a microphone. Think of any movie where you see a crowd get randomly called in where they PARTICIPATE. This is then what happens: they start throwing out free perfume to people. Yes, seriously. They were THAT serious about that store CLOSING THAT DAY (it was near 6pm, aka closing time).

Melissa and I walked away with about $400 worth of perfume each. For 20lbs (I need to find out how to mae the pound sign). I have 5 bottles of perfume. hahahaha. And they actually do smell nice, as they kept spraying us all with the perfume.

I had kept waiting for the catch, but I just couldn't find one... 20lbs for all of that? no way was that a rip off. It was so bloody funny, kept laughing at that random experience for the rest of the night. Like what the hell, that doesn't happen in reality.

Now, this STILL isn't the end of my experience for the day.

I am sure that at least SOME of you have heard me rave about that portobello mushroom burger that I had when I was in England with Siggy, right? HOW much I loved it and have craved it since? FOUND the place again! And had that for supper. YUMMY. I was so happy.


I get home to the hostel around 9pm. Bit before that. I pass out at 9pm, and aside from a stint around 12am when I woke up (I counted myself to sleep... got to around 350 and then fell asleep again) I slept pretty solidly until 7am! Like what the shit right, WHO adjusts their sleep patterns the FIRST DAY BACK? I just hope I can keep it up.

So in other words, so far London is lovely and I am feeling quite comfortable here. Having no problem at all getting around or anything so far.

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