Welcome to My World!

As Lewis Carroll so convieniently wrote:

The time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of many

Except I'm mostly going to try to contain this to my thoughts and experiences while in England. It's a lot easier than emailing everyone ;)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Bonjour, Blog!

Ok. So it's been a month since I've written.

What have I done in that past month? Umm. I went to Bristol to visit Siggy and his fiance Jen! (Except she wasn't that THEN, but is now, and I knew that was coming! hahaha) and I had a great time, even if I DID spend most of my time there sleeping cause I'd been sick!

So that was that week, and then it was Hallowe'en, and I haven't really done much since then.

Except write 50,000 words. Oh yes. That's what my word count has been on msn.

I decided to take part in www.nanowrimo.org this year. I've wanted to participate for YEARS but knew there was no point while in uni. So I had promised myself I would do it my first year out, and so I did.

And can now say that I've written 50,032 words in SIXTEEN DAYS. AND I've worked! Since it's for the month of November, I'll see where I end up by the time the month is done, cause I'm certainly not done the novel.

It's been an extremely social month for me though. As odd as that might be, since I've spent all my time writing. There's a lot of other people in London taking part in nanowrimo as well, so I've gone to various write-ins and meet-ups. A write-in is when a bunch of us meet up at a certain time, with our laptops, and then we ignore each other for a few hours and write our novels.

So I've been out a lot of those, and it's great. Feels like I have a social life again, as I'm sure most people who will read this have heard me complain that the ONLY time I'm missing from Canada is social-time with my friends. I was getting a bit lonely in October, but Nano's helping with that this month so I've been quite happy.

And no, you may not read the novel. It's not finished, for one. And for two, it's an UNEDITED FIRST DRAFT. Half the time my characters sounds the exact same as each other, and there are large segments of dialogue with VERY little going on in between (the setting doesn't help though). And no, I'm also not going to bother explaining my story, because it's complicated and I can't do it justice. I can babble about it in person, but writing it down doesn't seem to work out quite as well. Ask me again when I start spamming the internet about FINISHING a novel. Then we'll talk.

1 comment:

  1. Your discipline is remarkable and I think freewriting so many words over such a short span of time is a very useful exercise.

    You are disciplined not only to sit down and write, but to avoid censoring yourself and just keep on writing! And you've worked consistently and made friends along the way. Wow!
