Welcome to My World!

As Lewis Carroll so convieniently wrote:

The time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of many

Except I'm mostly going to try to contain this to my thoughts and experiences while in England. It's a lot easier than emailing everyone ;)

Friday, September 25, 2009

A few Reasons why I love London

I just thought I would make a list of all the reasons why I am loving life in London so far:

1. Today I was in the area, so I stopped in to the British Museum. With the SOLE purpose of looking at the Rosetta Stone. I walked in, I looked at it for a few minutes, and I left. Did not even glance anywhere else in the museum. (For those of you who are probably thinking I am quite obsessed with the Rosetta Stone, I really can't help but feel this huge sense of awe when I see it... it's no different than a work or art or music.... everything BEHIND the Rosetta Stone just amazes me)

2. Beautiful Parks. For those who ever may come to see me, if I take you to a park, it is going to be Regent's Park to go see Queen Mary's gardens... gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous.

3. Pick an atmosphere, and you can find it in London.

4. Pick a store and you can find it in London.

5. A lot of men wear business suits on the tube. More guys should wear them.

6. The tube. It's so fast to get everywhere.

7. Lots of water. That's right, there are lots of fountains and whatnot, and the Thames.

8. Pubs. Lots of them.

9. The history (for me, this mostly means what I've read in literature.... I'm just always in awe when I'm in some parts of London... for example... today I was walking in Regent's Park, looked at a HUGE tree, went "I wonder how many authors I've read have walked RIGHT here" and then felt a huge sense of awe.)

10. The Architecture. Even all the nude statues. I just love how the older buildings look in London.

Today it really hit that I was ACTUALLY living in London. It sunk in when I was at the British Museum, as I sat on the stairs near the huge columns after going in to look at the Rosetta Stone. I actually felt a little overwhelmed that I am actually living a life I want to live, and I almost burst out crying. How pathetic, but true. I was watching everyone at the musuem rushing around, and I'd thought to myself "this is SO nice... I just walked in, saw what I wanted to see... and don't have to worry to try to see everything.. can just chill on this step" and since I couldn't do that if I wasn't living here, it really just hit me.

I've just spent so much time over the years not letting myself do what I wanted to, because I either didn't have the time to commit, or the money, or I was just scared for some reason or another. Yet I managed to get myself to England. I actually let myself.

Good for me eh?

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